Edit the Ideablade.Ibconfig file in the Workstation Folder (netTcpBinding)

Use this procedure to edit the Ideablade.Ibconfig file in the Workstation folder.

You must perform this procedure on each client workstation that connects to the Cobra application server.

To edit the Ideablade.Ibconfig file in the Workstation folder:

  1. Navigate to the Cobra installation directory and open the Workstation folder (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Deltek\Cobra\Workstation).
  2. Locate the Ideablade.Ibconfig file and open it using a text editor (such as Notepad).
  3. Change the protocol of the remoteBaseURL value from http to net.tcp.




    <remoteBaseURL>http://<COBRA SERVER NAME></remoteBaseURL>










    <remoteBaseURL>net.tcp://<COBRA SERVER NAME></remoteBaseURL>




